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7. sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları 2022: İngilizce ders kitabı cevapları 7. sınıf MEB Yayınları!

7. sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları ile öğrenciler takıldıkları sorularda yardım alarak ingilizce bilgilerini geliştirmeyi amaçlamakta. 7 …

7. sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları 2022: İngilizce ders kitabı cevapları 7. sınıf MEB Yayınları!

7. sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları ile öğrenciler takıldıkları sorularda yardım alarak ingilizce bilgilerini geliştirmeyi amaçlamakta. 7. sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları öğrenci ve veliler tarafından araştırılıyor. 7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı Türkçe çevirisi ile öğrenciler anlamını bilmedikleri kelime ve cümlelerin anlamlarını öğrenerek takıldıkları ingilizce ders kitabı sorularını çözmeye çalışıyorlar. İngilizce ders kitabı sayfa cevapları ve cevap anahtarı haberimizde. İşte 7. sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları 2022: İngilizce ders kitabı cevapları 7. sınıf MEB Yayınları!


1. The chart below shows people’s frequency of doing activities.

Which of the following does NOT exist in the text and the chart?

A) Men between 63-70 ages do fewer activities than women at the same age group.

B) Men and women do the same activities in their 70-74 ages.

C) Men are less active in all age groups than women.

D) Women do more social activities in their 75+ years.


Hi! My name is Grace. I’m from Australia and I’m an exchange student in England. My best friend at school, Anna, is from Latvia. I have also two close friends from different countries; Valeria is from Peru and Amahle is from South Africa. All of our heights reflect just the common women height in our countries.

Which of the following is CORRECT according to information above?

A)Grace is shorter than Amahle and Anna.

B)Anna and Valeria are shorter than Grace.

C)Grace is taller than her best friend.

D)Valeria is the shortest of all.


Which of the following is NOT correct?

A)Virginia is shorter than Susan.

B)Peter is older than Mark and Virginia.

C)Susan is younger than Virginia and Mark.

D)Mark is taller than Peter and Susan.

4. The students below are classmates and they want to do something together after school.

Which of the following is suitable for all of them?

A)going to the cinema

B)surfing on the Net

C)riding a bike


Look at the table, read the text below and answer the question.


Mr. Long is a businessman. He wants to hire two new employees for his firm. He looks for tall, slim, creative, and young people.

Whom should Mr. Long choose?

A) Bill – Ann

B) Dave – Bill

C) Bill – Philip

D) Philip – Dave

6. It is the first day of the school at Rebuplic High School forthgrade students. The students in the picture are greeting each other.

? Mark is tall and he has got short blond hair. He likes cycling and playing basketball.

? Helen is of middle height and she has wavy brown hair. Playing computer games is her best activity.

? Tony is of middle height and he has dark hair. He enjoys technology and indoor activites.

? Rosa is of middle height and she has long blonde hair. She enjoys outdoor activities.

They play a game to guess each other’s names. There are three students left. Help Enrique to find out who

they are. Match the students with the numbers.

1 – 2 – 3

A)Tony – Mark – Rosa

B)Mark – Tony – Rosa

C)Tony – Rosa – Mark

D)Rosa – Mark – Tony

7. According to the information, who can get on well with each other?

A)Tony – Rosa

B)Mark – Rosa

C)Mark – Helen

D)Tony – Mark


Which of the following does NOT complete the conversation above?

A)never tells a lie

B)doesn’t share anything

C)always thinks about herself

D)hardly ever says ‘please’ or ‘thank you’

HereareMary’sandFred’smusiclists.Thesongs’namesreflecttheirpersonalities.Lookatthemand answer the question.


Which of the following is CORRECT according to their music lists?

A)They both like sharing things.

B) They are different in personality.

C)Fred is patient but Mary is impatient.

D) Mary is dishonest but Fred is an honest person.

Read the information and answer the question.


Which of the following describes the boy?


B) stubborn


D) selfish

11. Steve makes friends easily and helps people. He also always smiles and looks very happy but he never changes his mind. Philip is Steve’s best friend and he wants to give Steve a bag that reflects his personality.

Which bag should Philip choose?

12. Richardo: What does the new actress look like?

Mr. Burton: She is of medium height and she is slim. She has long straight blonde hair.

Which actress are they talking about?

Read the conversation and answer the question.

13. Alex: – – – -?

Dennis : He is friendly and generous.

Which question completes the conversation above?

A)What does he look like

B)Where does he go

C)What is he like

D)Who is he

14. Alice: Do you remember my sister?

Lynda: What does she look like?

Alice: She – – – -.

Which of the following completes the conversation?

A)is very generous

B)is sometimes clumsy

C)is of medium height and weight

D)likes spending time with friends

Read the conversation and answer the question.

15. Sally: I think Maria is very stubborn.

Thomas: Why do you think so?

Sally: Because she – – – -.

Which of the following completes the conversation?

A)always comes late

B)rarely tidies her room

C)never changes her mind

D)generally breaks something

Read the text and complete the sentence.

16. Kim is tall and slim with long wavy hair and green eyes. She is cheerful but she has some problems with her friends. She sometimes tells lies and she can’t keep any secrets. So, her friends don’t like her so much and they don’t want to be close to her.

Kim’s friends don’t like her because she – – – -.

A)has long straight hair

B)is stubborn and clumsy

C)is outgoing and cheerful

D)shares secrets with others

17. Read the text and complete the sentence.

Shane and Paul have different personalities, but they really get on well with each other. They have some hobbies in common.

According to the text above, Shane and Paul are – – – -.





Read the conversation and answer the question.

18. Fred: Do you know the girl over there?

Luka: No, who is she?

Fred: Her name is Gina.

Luka: What is she like?

Fred: She is – – – -.

Which of the following does NOT complete the conversation?

A)patient and honest




Look at the chart and answer the question.


Linda is studying “Appearance and Personality” unit. She is making a vocabulary table to learn them. But she is making some mistakes.

Find the ODD one according to the categories.

A)green eyes/ selfish/ reading book

B)well-built/ generous/ riding bike

C)honest/ plump/ easy-going

D)slim/ punctual/ cycling

Look at the chart and answer the question.


Which of the following is NOT correct according to the questions above?

A)is shy

B)is cheerful

C)likes cycling

D)has got short hair


1 – B

2 – D

3 – C

4 – A

5 – C

6 – A

7 – B

8 – A

9 – B

10 – D

11 – C

12 – B

13 – C

14 – C

15 – C

16 – D

17 – C

18 – D

19 – C

20 – B

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